Friday, December 12, 2014

Not Much Happened.

Today was a fairly laid back day. We finsished wrapping Christmas gifts and sprayed our clothes with permethrine (how exciting!) before heading out late in the morning to pick up our rental car in Sandton. Things seemed complicated at the rental counter, so it took longer than expected.

In the middle of the registration process, there was an unexpected power outage, so we had to write out our  inform8ation on paper forms. The booking website made no mention of the required deposit which also functions as an insurance deductible if anything happens to the car. We finally got that all sorted out, but we had forgotten to take our passports along. Fortunately Gywen had hers, so we could still get the car. Finally, the agency wasn't aware that we plan to take the car to Lesotho. There was an additional fee for them to prepare the paperwork, which of course couldn't be produced on the spot. We decided to go get lunch and returned later for the paperwork.

We were close to the upscale Sandton Center mall (allegedly the richest square mile in Africa), so we headed there and found a place to eat outdoors at Nelson Mandela Square. We took photos with the statue and walked through the mall for a while before retrieving the car and heading home.

Jim with Madiba.

Barry with Lego Yoda.

We experienced another unexpected power outage at home in the afternoon. This evening we went to the trendy Parkhurst community for dinner at a place called Coobs. It was a nice dinner and we enjoyed walking up the street to see the sights before heading home for leftover birthday cake.

We're off to Lesotho in the morning!

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