Friday, December 26, 2014


Christmas Eve started out with coffee on the terrace while we enjoyed the beautiful grounds and the calls of many birds including most notably hadeda and red eyed doves. We also walked around the grounds to look at the trees and flowers. We got ready and made the short drive back to Marty and Peter's house for breakfast and to start our day-long laundry extravaganza. After breakfast, Barry, Gywen and I went to the nearby mall to see the Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies in 3D. Barry really enjoyed it. I was impressed by the low cost of both the movie tickets (about $4.50) and the popcorn ($2 for a medium!). After the movie, we decided to look around the mall for a little while. We went in several clothing stores and noticed that the prices are just as expensive as in the US, contrary to our first visit here in 2000. We ended up at Woolworth's where we bought a couple of things, and where we were impressed by the very inexpensive prices on quality wines. As we left the mall, I was impressed that the parking for the whole time we were in the movie and shopping was only R11, or just under $1. Gywen thought it was crazy that we had to pay anything.

We were very confused trying to exit the mall and get back to the road we wanted, but we eventually found our way and headed to the Spar where we wanted to send a package through the mail. The postal workers advised us that it would be quicker, cheaper, and more reliable to send it through "Postnet," so we headed there, only to arrive 8 minutes after they closed for the holidays. Still haven't mailed the package.

That evening, Marty hosted a wonderful dinner party for us, Peter's mother Lyn, his brother David and his wife Barbie, and their son Alan and his family. We feasted on smoked salmon, salads, asparagus, and homemade (American) pumpkin and pecan pies while we tracked Santa's progress through NORAD. I understand Santa finally made it to the Johannesburg area just before Al, Vanessa, and the boys got home.

Opening gifts at Marty and Peter's.
Christmas day started with blogging and coffee on the terrace with the sun shining, birds calling, and a lizard or two scampering about by our feet. We went to Marty and Peter's for a lovely breakfast on their front patio before opening our gifts. Around Noon we headed to Al and Vanessa's home to spend the rest of the day with them, Dave and Barbie, Lyn, Al's sister Angie and her husband Ross, and 5 young boys. We began with drinks and starters on the patio, followed by a fantastic meal on the patio (turkey, ham, roast beef, potatoes, salads, homemade ice cream, plum pudding, and Christmas cake.) After lunch, I joined Al, Ross, Andrew, Ollie, and Alec for a nice swim in the pool before everyone convened in the lounge for the second gift exchange of the day. By the time that ended, we were all just about worn out and each family headed home. Back at Marty and Peter's house, we rested and watched a beautiful compilation of Peter's wildlife photography from the Kalahari Desert. We ended up munching on a few leftovers, believe it or not. I had to have more of those pies, and it was nice to have a little protein and veggies first.

Barbie, Vanessa, Marty, Ollie, Andy, Peter, and Al.
I started Boxing Day with a quick coffee on the terrace while Barry packed and got ready. It was a bit cloudier this morning and the birds were not quite as active. After we got everything packed up, we checked out and went to Marty and Peter's for breakfast. We got Gywen loaded, then chatted for a while and took a couple of pictures before leaving for the airport shortly before 10:00 am.

Saying Goodbye.
We made good time getting to the airport, then drove, it seems, all over Gauteng Province trying to figure out exactly where the petrol station was and how to get in it. Finally we did, then we returned the car and checked in for our flight to Cape Town. All went well on the two-hour flight. On the other end, it seemed to take forever to get the rental car, only to find out that it was tiny! We went back to the counter and eventually were able to get a marginally larger car which holds everything if we put one suitcase in the back seat. An hour and 45 minute after landing, we were on the road to Stellenbosch - about 1/2 hour too late to squeeze in any wineries today.

We've checked into the lovely and historic Bonne Esperance Guest House, and are passing some time before our dinner reservation at Jimmy the Fish, which was recommended to us by Ross. We have more red-eyed doves calling outside of our window as I type, It's nice here, around 68 degrees, but it was very windy in Cape Town and on the road. It's also a bit hazy so the mountains are less stunning than they can be, and Table Mountain was still impressive even with some clouds at the top. Tomorrow should be mostly sunny with a high of 81, so it looks to be a great day for visiting wineries!

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