Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Headed to Mysore

We had a busy day in Bangalore yesterday, with visits to the National Association for the Blind, 24/7 (a business process solutions firm), and Target Corporation. (Target has a large and growing operation in India, although there are no Target stores here.) We ended the evening with a nice Indian dinner with the executives from Target.

Yesterday was Bangalore's rainiest day this year, and it's still wet this morning. Bangalore has ongoing problems with flooding, because the storm sewage system (such as it is) is filled with sludge. Some neighborhoods flood every time it rains. We've seen flooded streets and downed tree branches. The newspaper reports one person died when a house partially collapsed.

Today we are headed to Mysore. The 3 1/2 hour bus ride provides a great opportunity to write a blog post. We will visit Mysore Palace before a corporate visit at the Infosys campus. I visited the Infosys office in London in 2009, so it should be interesting to learn more about their operations here in India.

We expect to get back to our hotel around Midnight. Tomorrow is a low-key day around Bangalore and the hotel before we fly to Delhi in the evening, then catch a 1:00 am flight to Frankfurt before the final leg to O'Hare. Assuming there are no further problems with the pilot strike.

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