Sunday, May 13, 2012

Dilli Haat Adventure, Etc.

Oops - misspelled Dilli Haat in my last post. Then, I had technical difficulties and this didn't get posted yesterday when I first wrote it. So, now for your enjoyment:

We had quite an adventure in our hour at the open-air market. Just as we arrived, a nasty dust storm blew up (worse, and longer than the one at the Taj Mahal). So it was dark, rainy, and gritty, but part of the time we could be sheltered in the vendors' stalls.

In any case, most of us got some shopping in. I bought a kurti (shirt) for my self and several souvenirs, and, (unlike in Ghana and Chile) for the most part, I didn't pay more than I wanted to. Some of the students, I hear, were expert bargainers. We had fun.

Update: Then we headed back to the hotel for quick showers, and headed out to a very nice dinner hosted by the associate dean. Following that, the guys on the trip had an after-hours mini golf tournament at the hotel. I got a hole-in-one! It was awesome, but my team didn't win.

Today we flew to Bangalore. I wrote in my journal for the entire flight. We drove to the hotel, stopping at McDonald's on the way. We checked in and had about 20 minutes to get ready for the city tour. After the tour, we had about 45 minutes to unpack, shower, and change before an arranged 7:30 dinner with a local businessman. The dinner ran until just after 10:00(!), and then I went to the hotel business center to approve time sheets (which must be approved by tomorrow). The internet here is awful, so it took me 47 minutes to approve 3 time sheets! While I waited for the pages to load and the approvals to go though, I approved a few other documents, cleaned out email, and discovered my blog glitch.

I took care of a couple other tasks and finally returned to my room to get ready for bed around 11:45. Now that I've fixed the blog it's 1:05. My wake-up call comes at 6.

...and this was then night when I thought I would FINALLY get more than 5 hours of sleep. Guess it's just not going to happen this trip.

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