Thursday, May 17, 2012

Heading Home

Today was a fairly relaxing final day in India. I overslept, meaning I got 9 1/2 hours of sleep last night - much better than the 5-6 I've been getting every night this trip.

I enjoyed breakfast outside by the pool before heading to a brand new mall across the street. Some of the shops weren't even open yet, and although I went in a couple of stores, I didn't find what I wanted. The mall was a little odd - the escalators skip floors, so if you want to get to the odd numbered floors you have to find stairs or an elevator. Some of the stores I couldn't even find because they only had exterior entrances.

Since I didn't find what I wanted in the mall, I next went to a Bazaar store, a type of discount retailer with groceries, clothes, furniture, etc. It was a fun experience, and they had some really cheap dress shirts, but I didn't have time to shop for something that fit.

I made my way back to the hotel for my appointment at the spa. I had a sauna, steam, and 60-minute massage. The massage was wonderful - just what I needed at the end of a long week and before boarding the flight home.

After the massage, I had a buffet lunch with some of the students. There was some good food, including pesto chicken kebabs and something that looked like a little pot pie the size of a muffin. Very tasty. But the best thing was a little chocolate mouse-like dessert. It was amazing. I know people will ask me what was the best thing I ate in India. Chocolate, can you believe it?

After lunch I packed up and we loaded the bus to the airport. We're now all checked in and waiting to board our flight to Delhi. One student is staying in India and leaving us here. Another is flying from Delhi to Shanghai. We will loose more to transfers at O'Hare. It's a little sad that we're starting to split up, although everyone is looking forward to getting home, myself included.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mysore Palace

Oops - I forgot I had a picture I could upload! This is me in front of the palace.

Long Day in Mysore

We've had a good, but long day. We had about a 3 hour drive to Mysore, where we toured the Palace. This was home to 5 kings, the youngest of whom died in 1976. The palace, which is 100 years old this year, was very ornate. There is a huge open area in the front which is where the subjects essentially met as a parliament. There was a nice rose garden outside.

After a quick lunch in a beautiful hotel, we visited the Infosys training campus. The presentation was multi-faceted and nice, but really long for a bunch of tired Americans. We then had a fun tour, on golf carts, of the Amazing and beautiful campus.

We had a quick stop for craft shopping before starting the trip back to Bangalore. While there, Ramesh arranged for some of the students to take auto-rickshaw rides. I missed out. But I did see the cow herd pass right in front of the store.

We stopped at a KFC for dinner, but Ramesh convinced me to go next door for a dinner of traditional South Indian food. I didn't eat it with my fingers like I was supposed to, but I did enjoy it.

Tomorrow, our last day, will be fairly laid back. I'll looking forward to getting an hour-long deep tissue massage.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Headed to Mysore

We had a busy day in Bangalore yesterday, with visits to the National Association for the Blind, 24/7 (a business process solutions firm), and Target Corporation. (Target has a large and growing operation in India, although there are no Target stores here.) We ended the evening with a nice Indian dinner with the executives from Target.

Yesterday was Bangalore's rainiest day this year, and it's still wet this morning. Bangalore has ongoing problems with flooding, because the storm sewage system (such as it is) is filled with sludge. Some neighborhoods flood every time it rains. We've seen flooded streets and downed tree branches. The newspaper reports one person died when a house partially collapsed.

Today we are headed to Mysore. The 3 1/2 hour bus ride provides a great opportunity to write a blog post. We will visit Mysore Palace before a corporate visit at the Infosys campus. I visited the Infosys office in London in 2009, so it should be interesting to learn more about their operations here in India.

We expect to get back to our hotel around Midnight. Tomorrow is a low-key day around Bangalore and the hotel before we fly to Delhi in the evening, then catch a 1:00 am flight to Frankfurt before the final leg to O'Hare. Assuming there are no further problems with the pilot strike.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Dilli Haat Adventure, Etc.

Oops - misspelled Dilli Haat in my last post. Then, I had technical difficulties and this didn't get posted yesterday when I first wrote it. So, now for your enjoyment:

We had quite an adventure in our hour at the open-air market. Just as we arrived, a nasty dust storm blew up (worse, and longer than the one at the Taj Mahal). So it was dark, rainy, and gritty, but part of the time we could be sheltered in the vendors' stalls.

In any case, most of us got some shopping in. I bought a kurti (shirt) for my self and several souvenirs, and, (unlike in Ghana and Chile) for the most part, I didn't pay more than I wanted to. Some of the students, I hear, were expert bargainers. We had fun.

Update: Then we headed back to the hotel for quick showers, and headed out to a very nice dinner hosted by the associate dean. Following that, the guys on the trip had an after-hours mini golf tournament at the hotel. I got a hole-in-one! It was awesome, but my team didn't win.

Today we flew to Bangalore. I wrote in my journal for the entire flight. We drove to the hotel, stopping at McDonald's on the way. We checked in and had about 20 minutes to get ready for the city tour. After the tour, we had about 45 minutes to unpack, shower, and change before an arranged 7:30 dinner with a local businessman. The dinner ran until just after 10:00(!), and then I went to the hotel business center to approve time sheets (which must be approved by tomorrow). The internet here is awful, so it took me 47 minutes to approve 3 time sheets! While I waited for the pages to load and the approvals to go though, I approved a few other documents, cleaned out email, and discovered my blog glitch.

I took care of a couple other tasks and finally returned to my room to get ready for bed around 11:45. Now that I've fixed the blog it's 1:05. My wake-up call comes at 6.

...and this was then night when I thought I would FINALLY get more than 5 hours of sleep. Guess it's just not going to happen this trip.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Gandhi Smriti

Today we are touring Delhi, after an interesting visit and presentation this morning with Dr. C. Chandra Mouli, Registrar General and Census Commissioner for India. (It's quite an operation to count 1.2 billion people!)

We visited the Qutub Minar, site of the first Mosque in India. Aside from the historic minaret, the site is primarily a ruin. But it's beautiful.

We just left the Gandhi Smriti, the memorial to M.K. Gandhi, and the house where he lived in is final days. It is also the place where he was assassinated. The photo is of Gandhi's room. Several students, staff members, and I commented on what a peaceful place it is. I think some of us could have spent more time here - there was so much to learn about Gandhi's life and the movement for Indian independence.

Soon we will spend some time in Delhi Haat, a street market (much less serene, I'm sure), before returning to the hotel for showers and then dinner with the Associate Dean.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Well, that was Agra

After a long and interesting bus ride to Agra this morning, we visited the Red Fort. It was a huge fort of red sandstone which was, for a long time, the seat of the Indian government under Moghul rule. At least 5 kings ruled from here, including Shah Jahan who built the Taj Mahal as a mausoleum for his most beloved wife (who died giving birth to their 14th child).

This fort was the real deal: moat with crocodiles, drawbridge, elevated position, high walls, and windows for guns and canons. It includes several palaces and a military barracks, as well as gardens and courtyards.

There are beautiful views of the Taj from the Fort. Shah Jahan was eventually imprisoned by his son and housed in his deceased wife's former apartment, where he could sit on the balcony and look at the Taj daily.

Then we went to the Taj. Didn't really live up to my romantic expectations of what the experience would be. For starters, by the time we arrived the sky was so overcast that the Taj nearly blended in. Almost immediately a sand storm blew up and we rushed to the mausoleum in an attempt to get inside before the rain started. (Didn't make it.)

Tourists are not allowed to walk on the marble platform in shoes, so we were issued booties to slip over our shoes. Mine didn't fit, so I had to sit in the rain and take my shoes off to put on the booties. Have you ever walked on wet marble with little flat plastic soles on your feet? Not wise. I tried for a few minutes before realizing my socks were getting soaked and I would be much safer barefoot.

After I took off the booties and socks I ventured into the mausoleum. Big, annoying cattle call. Very pushy people jostled to get in the narrow doors while guards blew whistles to keep everyone moving. Inside, where the huge dim space is lit with a single bulb, we quickly circled the tombs which are hidden behind tall screens.

Back outside, the rain had stopped and the sky cleared a little, so we were able to get some decent pictures and enjoy some view of the Taj before leaving. Nice at the end, but not the tranquil or spiritual experience I had anticipated.

As I write this, we're on our way back to Delhi, driving through a much nastier sand storm. Just now stopping at McDonald's to see how they do burgers without beef.

Day 1 Recap

We finally made it to New Delhi!

After a short bus ride from the airport, we got settled into our hotel Taj Palace around 5:00 pm. Took a quick shower before meeting in the swanky hotel bar to celebrate Justine's birthday. It was warm, but we sat outside while nearby some of our students practiced putting on the hotel's practice greens.

After one drink we went inside and had a nice Indian dinner. My friend Aashish arrived during dinner. He is a Kelley alumnus who lives in Delhi and with whom I spent time in Oxford in 2009. After dinner, he took the faculty member Ramesh and me out to the Kahn Market, a happening area for night life. We had a nice visit in a club there, discussing issues related to international students at Kelley, recruiting in India, and alumni involvement.

We got a little lost on the way back to the hotel. New Delhi is set up in a radial pattern with roundabouts everywhere, and Aashish was having a difficult time finding the road leading back to the hotel. So I got a nice late-night tour of the city, past the Parliament House, india Gate, shopping areas, a Sikh guru dwara, parks, embassies, the National Museum, National Archives, and lots of tree-lined streets.

Finally made it back to the hotel in time for about 4 hours of sleep. We're currently on our way to Agra and the Taj Mahal. We just stopped at a state border crossing to pay the taxes, and a lot of guys had monkeys to show us in hopes that we would take a picture and pay them money.

Enough time on my BlackBerry for now - time to once again focus my attention on the interesting surroundings.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Made it!

Delhi Airport

Monday, May 7, 2012

New Plan

It's shortly after 11:00 pm and we're on our way! Found out at 3:00 pm today our flight was cancelled. By 7:00, we were booked (allegedly) on another flight that leaves at 6:00 am. So I rushed home from work at 8:00 pm through the torrential rain. Finished backing, took a quick shower, and left at 9:48. Many thanks to Barry, who drove me through the flash flooding back to campus. Everyone was present and ready when the bus arrived, so we actually left a few minutes before the 11:00 departure time.

From here, we're supposed to meet an airline agent at O'Hare at 4:00 am, flight to LaGuardia at 6:00 am, transfer to JFK, then a 3:00 flight to New Delhi. Anticipated arrival 3:10 pm Wednesday, same time we would have arrived on the original flight. All this after a 10 1/2 hour workday today. I think I'll try to get some sleep now. I've slept on a bus before.

Oh Boy...

We were supposed to leave for India at 5:30 tomorrow morning - but our flight was cancelled. As you can imagine, it's not that simple to re-book a group of 31 travelers on different flight to the other side of the world. But we have a group of people working on it!

We might leave about the same time, or earlier, or maybe a day later (hope not!). We might have a layover or get a different direct flight. We might change airlines (which would be great for getting frequent flyer miles), or stick with India Air.

However, there is talk of an India Air strike in two hours.

Meanwhile, we're just hanging out in the business school waiting for details, watching Bollywood videos on YouTube. I wish we knew what's going on so I could go home and finish packing!

I'm getting a little nervous...

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Permethrin Party

I'm finally getting around to treating my clothes with Permethrin, although not everything I'm taking is out of the washer yet. I just can't put it off any longer, because I don't want to pack wet clothes! It's a little misleading to call it a party, though. Kind of boring doing it by yourself.

The things we do to avoid Dengue Fever.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Blogging for Kelley

I will be posting occasionally about the India trip on the Kelley School of Business Undergraduate Blog, so I've added that link to the right.