Monday, May 13, 2013

Day in Agra

This morning we got on the bus at 4:30 and headed to the train station for our 6:00 train to Agra. This photo is of Cannaught Place, the heart of New Delhi, at dawn taken from the walk to our platform.

The train ride was great. Newspapers and breakfast were provided (tea, water, bread, Frosted Flakes with warm milk, and a warm Indian pastry(?) made from lentils. The trip took two hours, which passed by quickly with all of the interesting sites to see. I saw sides of India I hadn't seen before.

In Agra, we headed to the Taj Mahal where I had a much better experience than last year. It was sunny and warm (99!) which made everything more beautiful. We also had more time, so I was able to explore the museum, gardens, and mosque. Like our students experienced, a lot of Indian people wanted their picture taken with me. One family with a small boy and girl stopped to introduce themselves and take pictures, but mostly I was approached by handsome young men. That suites me fine, but for the largest group of them I failed to get any photos on my camera. (I don't know what I was thinking.)

Most notably, I broke a promise I made to myself last year, and I actually went inside the Taj again. Swore I wouldn't do it, but as I was standing out in the sun next to the white marble it struck me: there was no long line of Indian tourists, and the guards inside the marble rotunda were not blowing their whistles to keep throngs of people moving through the space. So I took a chance and went in. This time, I was actually able to stop at the entrance and take in the replica tombs of Shah Jahan and his wife. I examined the intricate carving of the screen and watched a man cleaning it with a toothbrush. I studied the floral patterns inlayed into the screen and walls with precious stones. I pondered the views outward from the central chamber, and I stepped back to marvel at the room's height and domed ceiling. I saw almost none of this last year, so I left with a much greater appreciation this year. But it was still dark in there.

We next went to the Agra Fort which is massive and impressive. We didn't spend much time there, but we saw some sections we missed last year. After lunch at the posh Radisson Blu, we took the bus home on the new expressway, which cut about an hour off of the trip.

Tonight at the hotel I visited the steam room and had a soak in the hot tub while enjoying some ginger honey tea. Then we had a delicious Indian buffet dinner followed by some really great student reflection and presentations. I'm blogging from the outdoor lounge, a space which a number of students are also enjoying. It is almost Midnight and it doesn't feel like it's still 90 degrees. I skipped the mini golf tonight, although apparently I'm still the only person from Kelley to have gotten a hole in one on the course!

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