Wednesday, August 31, 2016

On the Road Again

Route to Lake Oz
It's almost time for our next international trip - this time Barry and I are traveling together, and it's a vacation! No students with me this time. We're going with my dad and my uncle Larry fishing in Ontario. We will be on Lake Osnaburgh, near New Osnaburgh and south of Pickle Lake, staying in Oz Lake Lodge. Early Saturday morning we're flying to Minneapolis, where we will meet Dad and Larry who are driving from central Iowa. Then we will begin the 12 1/2 hour drive north to our final destination. We will stop overnight after crossing the border and will arrive sometime Sunday.

I've been to this lake before, years ago, but this will be Barry's first time. Dad and Larry go more frequently, often once a year. I'm looking forward to spending time with them, but I'm hoping it won't be too rainy or too cold. I'm expecting long days in the boat, pretty scenery and wildlife, fish for dinner, some reading, and some evening cribbage games. The lodge has no WiFi, and there won't be much for cell service - if there's any. In other words, there might not be many blog posts during the trip. If nothing else, I will write some while we're gone and post it later.

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