Monday, December 21, 2015

Full Day on the Ship

Sometime after going to bed we finally made it out of the Mississippi River and into the open water. It's a much rougher journey than I anticipated - it's a mostly sunny but windy day on the water, with plenty of white caps and the ship loading back and forth. I feel like I'm drunk, even though I only had one Bloody Mary before lunch.

You will have to forgive my unoriginal blog post... I realize a good blog is more than a run-down of events, but this is about the best I could come up with today.

Barry began his day with a yoga class, while I spent time in the hydro spa, checking out the sauna, stream rooms, and hot tubs. I discovered that being in a hot tub is very strange, with the water sloshing back and forth in the pool.

We left the spa area for a brief lecture on the history of the Mayan city states, in anticipation of being in the Yucatan. Next Barry and I grabbed a drink before going to a seminar in the gym about Detox. (Ironic?) Following the seminar we met Gywen and Benny for lunch.

For enjoying a leisurely day on the ship, at this point we were worn out. We took a quick nap and then we're back at it: Barry enjoyed an acupuncture session while I ironed clothes (what fun!) and then took a jog on the deck ouside. Running was an interesting challenge, considering the wind, the narrow winding path, the rocking of the boat, and the other people on deck.

Barry and I enjoyed another quick visit to the hot tub and sauna before going back to our room to change for dinner. We decided to dress up this evening and had pictures taken before dinner. Then we caught the beginning of tonight's show ("high-energy" 70's pop tunes) in the theater before having a detox assessment. The cruise staff never misses an opportunity to see more stuff.

We ended the evening with another LGBT gathering in the Star Bar. It was fun getting to know a few people better.

So much for sitting in the sun and reading all day!

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