Thursday, May 21, 2015

Return Trip Home

The trip home was long, of course, but fairly uneventful. We left four students at the hotel - on purpose - and took two buses to the airport. Megan and I shared a bus with just one student; the other bus was full. We had to scan our bags upon entering the airport. Scanned them again at the security checkpoint and a third time boarding the plane. Two more students left us at the airport in Istanbul.

We left two students in Amsterdam (on purpose), but there we met up with the Kelley group returning from Switzerland. At Amsterdam we scanned our bags again to get into the gate area, and a number of us also had them checked by hand. Due to a plane change we all had to have our boarding passes reissued. Finally, as we boarded, some from our group were singled out to have their bags scanned again, and re-checked by hand. Finally we all made it onto the plane, which had a lot of empty seats. I enjoyed having a row to myself for the 8+ hour flight. I got some sleep in addition to watching two movies.

In Chicago, Customs was no problem. We left behind eight more students and met up with the Kelley group returning from Hong Kong for the bus trip back to Bloomington. After dropping two students off in Zionsville, IN, we finally made it back to Bloomington at 10:15 pm - 27 1/2 hours after leaving the hotel. It's nice to be home.

Check back later for the link to my Istanbul photo album!

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