Thursday, November 22, 2012

Ireland, Thanksgiving Edition

This morning we were up early to visit Giant's Causeway on the Antrim coast. There is a nice new visitor's center which explains the geologic feature and some of the surrounding mythology (Finn built it, you know.) The weather was cool and breezy, but dry so we enjoyed walking around the site.

Soon we were off to Belfast. We arrived in time for Barry to spend about an hour and a half looking into family history at the Presbyterian Historical Society. We didn't find much, but we got some leads on things to look for during our research tomorrow.

The historical society is around the corner from our hotel, so we checked in, and them we had a few hour to explore. We're in the neighborhood of Queen's University so we walked past some of the university buildings to the botanical garden. Also nearby is the very nice Ulster Museum, so we got to spend about an hour there.

After changing at the hotel, we went to dinner at the Grand Opera House (yum) followed by a very funny show "One Man, Two Guvnors." It is a big farce, with elements of a minstrel show and some improv. Quite a good time. Tonight we stayed in the hotel and made plans for tomorrow. There is a lot to do here, and we've got to cram a lot into a day!

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